Partner with 6G Academy

Drive Innovation and Shape the Future of Technology

At 6G Academy, we believe in the power of collaboration to advance the frontiers of technology and education.

As a leader in Connectivity and AI learning, we invite organizations, industry leaders, and innovators to join us in our mission to develop and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge and skills across the globe.

Why Partner with
6G Academy?

Expand Your Reach

Connect with a global community of tech professionals, students, and academic institutions.

Enhance Your Brand

Align your brand with a pioneer in next-gen technology education and gain recognition as a key player in industry advancements.

Innovate Together:

Collaborate on research, co-create content, or sponsor transformative projects that push technological boundaries.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Contribute to building an educated and technically skilled workforce, ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Partnership Opportunities

Educational Partnerships

Enhance curriculum offerings and co-develop courses that set new standards in tech education.

Research Initiatives

Drive innovation through joint research projects and initiatives that lead to breakthroughs and new technologies.

Event Sponsorship

Gain visibility at our high-profile conferences, workshops, and seminars attended by industry leaders.

Technology Sharing

Leverage each other’s resources and platforms to accelerate growth and technological adoption.
6G Academy's (formerly flexible, segmented learning structure, perfectly tailored for professionals, transformed my approach to online education.

Their responsiveness to feedback and commitment to continuous improvement deepened my appreciation for this innovative learning format”
Roger Nichols,
6G Program Manager
Keysight Technologies
“Working with 6G Academy (formerly as a startup offered a significant advantage due to their agile approach.

The ability to rapidly develop, iterate, and respond to feedback was crucial. The key was not just planning, but actual implementation - starting with development, gathering feedback, and making impactful changes.”
Leslie Camino-Markowitz
Sr. Director, Executive & Next Generation Leadership Development, Inclusion & Diversity
Keysight Technologies

Built and trusted by experts at

Reach Out to Explore
Partnership Opportunities

Interested in partnering with us?

Fill out our contact form or reach out directly via our provided contact details.
We are excited to explore how we can collaborate and achieve great things together.
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